File Based Processing® Software

Get direct access to all your files and easily read, write, and modify your data with File Based Processing Software. This helps to automate workflow for smooth document management processes and better productivity.

Provides Time/Date stamp for every completed set
Verifies completed mail sets
Notifies for every missing or incomplete mail sets

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File Based Processing® Software - Overview

File-based processing software is a reliable document processing solution paired with a folder inserter. It helps companies be confident about the integrity of their business-critical documents. It offers options like document tracking, status updates, and reporting. It ensures that privacy and Security are maintained, with evidence that the entire mail run was processed and done without errors. This software stores data in a structured manner. The organization, sequential access to the files, and first-level data manipulation make it highly sought after.

Our Offerings

Mailing Product Offerings

File Based Processing® Software - Features

Here are some of the most essential features those File Based Processing® Software presents-

  • Verifies Marks Properly
    Marks any data as complete only when every piece of the information is 100% correct
  • Document Tracking
    Tracks documents and their statuses, whether they are to be processed, being processed, or completed

File Based Processing® Software - Specifications

Here are some of the most essential specifications those File Based Processing® Software presents-

  • Cost friendly
    It is highly cost-effective as it requires minimal setup and usage costs. Also, at times, free tools are built into computers.
  • Easy to use
    It requires essential learning and understanding, and it can be used easily without any complications
  • High scalability
    Depending on your needs, you can easily switch from smaller to larger files.

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