Are you looking for a professional-looking booklet finisher machine? The Formax Square IT square-back booklet finisher is here to meet this demand. It is capable of producing a professional, perfect-bound look with the security of a stapled binding in minutes.
The Formax Square IT Squareback booklet finisher is a perfect professional booklet finisher for every dynamic workspace. It offers a professional, perfect-bound look with the security of a stapled binding. One of the biggest benefits is that the square-back booklets lie flat, making them easier to front-trim on a guillotine cutter. This helps in easy storage and packaging.
The main aim of this booklet finisher is to boost user convenience. For that, the machine offers a printing-on-spine feature, and the user can operate it as a stand-alone or in-line. It is fully capable of working with traditional and modern gadgets to meet the demands. To maximize the user benefits, the machine offers four different thickness options. This wide range of options helps in square-back binding based on the number of pages.
Formax Square IT square back booklet finisher is known for its high capability. It can produce booklets up to 9 1/2” x 12 3/4” and in sizes up to 24 sheets of 80gsm paper.
The Formax Square IT squareback booklet finisher allows the business to make high-quality booklets up to 96 pages with a simple operation. As the machine offers a fully automated work pattern, it reduces manual labor costs and boosts the operational flow. Well, it is a glimpse only; here are some more key features of this updated gadget-
Square IT Squareback Booklet Finisher: Specifications
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